Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Get Less and Live More

Dreams. We all have them. Whether big, joyful or adventurous...they somehow become woven into a part of our daily thoughts.

Sometimes they consume us. Our dreams push us. And, other times we snuff out the glimmering dream light.

I was the latter. 

Always encouraging others to act upon their dreams, but never following my own. I worked all day long building others confidence to be empowered, but yet...I hid my own dreams and thoughts away. Honestly, I don't know why. I've always been fairly successful in whatever I set my mind to, but this just radical. What was I doing?

For years, I've been pushing away my write and homestead. But at the end of June, I jumped over the cliff. Not literally...thank goodness. But, in a reality I felt like I had taken an enormous risk. Had I really given up job growth opportunities to can applesauce and clean chicken coops all day? What had I done?

I mean really...who does that? At 42 years old I wondered if I had hit my mid-life crisis? When others were buying a dream home or the convertible they always wanted; looking at other people's dreams suddenly seemed so glamorous. And me...I wanted to farm and write. Gee.

It is easy to believe that your idea is crazy, especially when you find yourself outside of your property. This idea, my dream, was so far from the societal norm of have more and get more. Honestly, most can't wrap their mind around that...they have been programmed to find the next bigger, better thing. My dream...took me farther from that.

In the past few months I've been met with many blank stares as I explain I left my job to farm and "hopefully write the book I always wanted to". Oddly, I watch their eyes blinking like a cursor waiting for the words to form. Instead I form their words in my head..."What happened? What's wrong with her? What is she doing?"  And I breathe silently to myself...all I wanted was to get less and live more.

I am following my dream.

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