Monday, February 16, 2015

525,600 Minutes

525,600 do you measure a year in the life.

Nearly a year ago, 525,600 minutes, we were handed the keys to the Britten Roost. It had always been a dream of mine to have property where I could expand my gardens, my homestead and now in my hand...laid these few keys. As I reflect on that year, I'm blessed by God's provision and opportunity to grow bountifully not only in our land, but also in my life.

This was our 525, 600 minutes.

Immediately, I feel in love with the in the morning the shades of pink and oranges blended across the sky in a mural only God could paint. I was awestruck how the sun illuminated the back of the mountains making the mountain glow in a unbelievable display. And I was dismayed when the fog simply wiped away any size of those glorious mountains.

Quickly our "urban ladies" expand from 11 feisty hens to 27 ladies and 2 gentlemen while they strutted their stuff in their new "McMansion" coop. I seriously wondered if I had become "that lady with the all the chickens" as the numbers expanded through the generosity of others. Really, what was just one more chicken? But, yet...the cycle of life continued to abound as we witnessed death and life inside the walls of the coop. Life was evolving at the Britten Roost.

One of the biggest surprises emerged from the orchard as the sweetest plums of gold and purple arrived on our trees. Watching the kids slowly walk up the lane from the bus and stop to pick a fresh plum off our trees was beyond fulfilling. The kitchen created plum jam, fruit leather strips and frozen treats so we could enjoy its bounty for months to come. Contentment filled my soul as I was beginning to realize my dreams were coming to fruition.

My love of gardening took on a toiled effort as I struggled to manage my gardens with an injured knee. But, I continued on and allowed many 'rogue' fruits and vegetables make their presence known. I quickly learned that as much as I enjoyed gardening, my friendly neighborhood deer loved eating my garden as well. It wasn't uncommon to be greeted by tiny hoof prints and nibbled on plants on my morning garden walk. However, despite all of my set-backs our garden produced expoundedly. Tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins and raspberries to name a few were stored away and graced our table at dinner time.

I would, of course, be remiss if I allowed the romanticized life of living off the land to overpower our struggles and toils as well. The year was marked by a debilitating knee injury, emotions of moving to a new school, survival to keep the family unified as we continued into year three of Drew's master program, and discovery that we were starting over in too many areas of our lives.

Though ending my year in review with the struggles, I look forward to the future years at the Britten Roost. I can't dwell on the past struggles but push onward as not to waste one minute on that grief. Because, I only have 525,600 minutes this year and I don't want to miss one minute.

From inside the Britten Roost,

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”
-Marilyn vos Savant

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